Our group

Quality and Compliance in PHOENIX group Serbia

Quality Assurance

We take great pride in our commitment to provide quality services to our customers, interested parties and our employees. 

Our system covers all areas with a direct or potential influence on product quality and patient safety. It is based on national and relevant EU legal requirements, guidelines regarding Good distribution practices and World Health Organization.

We operate safely by using Environmental, health and safety management to proactively identify, analyze and mitigate risks and reduce impacts. 


The term “compliance” refers to rules and guidelines that aim to ensure a company and its employees comply with existing conditions and laws. The main focus of compliance is on enabling and creating fair competition, and on preventing and eliminating corruption.
Compliance is a key element of our corporate culture and is derived from our fundamental corporate values. Responsible and compliant actions are central to the success of our company. Alongside the social responsibility we bear as a healthcare provider, respectful cooperation is also crucial to a trusting relationship with our customers, business partners and stakeholders.

Case Reporting System

The PHOENIX group has established a web-based case reporting system. Whether you are a PHOENIX employee or a third party, it gives you the chance to ask questions, or report suspected violations of the compliance rules or actual incidents, anonymously.

The system is operated by an external service provider. Your identity as the whistle-blower can therefore not be traced unless you expressly agree to provide this information.

You can access the whistle-blower system at any time via:


Your contact Quality assurance kvalitet(at)phoenixpharma.rs
Your contact Compliance jelena.mlinarevic(at)phoenixpharma.rs
Your contact GDPR milos.krstic(at)benu.rs